Jun 19, 2020
Jul 05, 2017 Bing - Search History Keep showing your new searches on this page and use them in search suggestions Clear your search history This will clear your Bing search history on this device. How to Recover Deleted or Lost Browser/Internet History Dec 28, 2018
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If you went to a site recently and want to return there but can’t remember the name, you might check your browsing history in Microsoft Edge’s Hub to find it. In Microsoft Edge, click the Hub button in the address bar and then click the History button (with the clock face on it) in the Hub pane to display the History list (see the following
Firefox: Click the library button located in the toolbar at the top of the page. Next, click on History. This action will show you your most recent searches. To view every search, click the "Show All History" bar at the bottom of that list to open the Library window.