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Governance - Copper Alliance The International Copper Association is governed by our members, with robust governance structures providing member guidance at all levels. Current and prospective members may request further details on corporate governance. International Progressive MS Alliance | Governance The Progressive MS Alliance is a collaboration of MS organisations and other stakeholders. It is not a separate legal entity. The Alliance is governed by an Executive Committee.Its managing members report on activities to the boards of their respective MS societies, and to the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation board.. To accomplish the goals of the Alliance, members must follow these

The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT

The International Copper Association is governed by our members, with robust governance structures providing member guidance at all levels. Current and prospective members may request further details on corporate governance.

The International Copper Association is governed by our members, with robust governance structures providing member guidance at all levels. Current and prospective members may request further details on corporate governance.

Governance and legal structures - Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance Governance and legal structures The Gavi Alliance has international institution status in Switzerland and public charity status in the United States Gavi is also supported by one affiliated organisation IFFIm. Legal status. Gavi is a Swiss Foundation with international institution status in Switzerland and public charity status in the United Global governance - Wikipedia Global governance or world governance is a movement towards political cooperation among transnational actors, aimed at negotiating responses to problems that affect more than one state or region. Institutions of global governance—the United Nations, the International Criminal Court, the World Bank, etc.—tend to have limited or demarcated power to enforce compliance.